Office of the Municipal Mayor (Sub-offices)

Mayor's Staff

Functional Statement

Being attached office of the Office of the Mayor and Administrators office, the Office of the Mayor's Staff caters the following services: 

  1. Processing of Marriage Certificate and assisting marriage ceremony
  2. Affidavits in different forms;
  3. Petron loan assistance;
  4. Screening and hiring of Job Order applicant;
  5. Releasing of confiscated driver's license;
  6. Special operations such as mobilizing first responder team, assisting in distribution of relief goods;
  7. Coordinates with the different offices especially the Municipal Fishport and Municipal Market office to ensure the proper flow of transaction and services as per instruction from the Municipal Mayor and the Municipal Administrator

With the Officer In-charge, eleven (11) regular employees and two (2) job order workers, the Mayor's Staff office is indeed playing an important role in providing essential services to the people of Municipality of Rosario.

Municipal Fish Port

The Rosario Municipal Fish port is a clear manifestation that indeed, fishing is the major source of livelihood in our Municipality. Suffice it to say, the fish port generates a generous amount of income to the Municipal Treasury.

Functional Statement

  1. The fish port serves as an industrial zone for unloading, processing, storage and marketing of fish and other seafoods. It is not limited to landing / unloading, but also serves in handling, sales, temporary storage or warehousing, processing, delivery and distribution of fish;
  2. All activities are carried out by the port for operation and maintenance of the infrastructure facilities, for organization and conduct of port services required by vessels, fish processing and buyers, collection of port and services fees, and administration;
  3. The functions of the fish port include, but are not limited to: provision of the safe berthing of fishing vessels to discard their catches, take on bunker, water, ice and other necessary provisions and for small repairs; supervision of the administration, operation and maintenance of facilities; service to secure a long term financial sustainability of port operations and to ensure recovery of investment and operational costs from fishing port operations; provision of vessels oriented services such as mooring, unloading of fish, supplies of water and store provisions, small vessel repairs, as well as simple fish handling and transportation ashore, ice supplies for fishing vessels and traders, accommodation of fish processing industries and statistical recording of port activities.

Business Permit and Licensing Office

Public Employment Services Office

Rosario Traffic Management Office



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